December 22, 2011

Kisah Ka'bah yang tidak ramai ketahui..

Sedikit maklumat berkaitan Kaabah…
1. Mekah adalah kawasan yang mempunyai graviti paling stabil.
2. Tekanan gravitinya tinggi, dan di situlah berpusatnya bunyi-bunyian yang membina yang tidak boleh didengar oleh telinga.
3. tekanan graviti yang tinggi memberi kesan langsung kepada sistem imun badan untuk bertindak sebagai pertahanan daripada segala serangan penyakit.
4. graviti tinggi = elektron ion negatif yang berkumpul di situ tinggi=doa akan termakbul kerana di situ adalah tempat gema atau ruang dan masa serentak.
5. Apa yang diniatkan di hati adalah gema yang tidak boleh didengar tetapi boleh dikesan frekuensinya. Pengaruh elektron menyebabkan kekuatan dalaman kembali tinggi, penuh bersemangat untuk melakukan ibadat, tidak ada sifat putus asa, mahu terus hidup, penyerahan diri sepenuhnya kepada Allah.
6. Gelombang radio tidak boleh mengesan kedudukan Kaabah.
7. Malah teknologi satelit pun tidak boleh meneropong apa yang ada di dalam Kaabah. Frekuensi radio tidak mungkin dapat membaca apa-apa yang ada di dalam Kaabah kerana tekanan graviti yang tinggi.
8. Tempat yang paling tinggi tekanan gravitinya, mempunyai kandungan garam dan aliran anak sungai di bawah tanah yang banyak. Sebab itu lah jika bersembahyang di Masjidilharam walaupun di tempat yang terbuka tanpa bumbung masih terasa sejuk.
9. Kaabah bukan sekadar bangunan hitam empat persegi tetapi satu tempat yang ajaib kerana di situ pemusatan tenaga, graviti, zon magnetisme sifar dan tempat yang paling dirahmati.
10. Tidur dengan posisi menghadap Kaabah secara automatik otak tengah akan terangsang sangat aktif hingga tulang belakang dan menghasilkan sel darah.
11. Pergerakan mengelilingi Kaabah arah lawan jam memberikan tenaga hayat secara semula jadi daripada alam semesta. semua yang ada di alam ini bergerak mengikut lawan jam, Allah telah tentukan hukumnya begitu.
12. Peredaran darah atau apa saja di dalam tubuh manusia mengikut lawan jam. Justeru dengan mengelilingi Ka abah mengikut lawan jam, bermakna peredaran darah di dalam badan meningkat dan sudah tentunya akan menambahkan tenaga. Sebab itulah orang yang berada di Mekah sentiasa bertenaga, sihat dan panjang umur.
13. Manakala bilangan tujuh itu adalah simbolik kepada tidak terhingga banyaknya. Angka tujuh itu membawa maksud tidak terhad atau terlalu banyak. Dengan melakukan tujuh kali pusingan sebenarnya kita mendapat ibadat yang tidak terhad jumlahnya.
14. Larangan memakai topi, songkok atau menutup kepala kerana rambut dan bulu roma(lelaki) adalah ibarat antena untuk menerima gelombang yang baik yang dipancarkan terus dari Kaabah. Sebab itu lah selepas melakukan haji kita seperti dilahirkan semula sebagai manusia baru kerana segala yang buruk telah ditarik keluar dan digantikan dengan nur atau cahaya yang baru.
15. Selepas selesai semua itu baru lah bercukur atau tahalul. Tujuannya untuk melepaskan diri daripada pantang larang dalam ihram. Namun rahsia di sebaliknya adalah untuk membersihkan antena atau reseptor kita dari segala kekotoran supaya hanya gelombang yang baik saja akan diterima oleh tubuh.

December 19, 2011

have nothing in mind but this: Kuning.

si Kuning sdg nyenyak tido. guess where was the port on earth he chose??

 it was on my perut y'awl! lol. tekezut mak. 
this time was around 5 a.m like that. aktiviti harian si Kuning sgt sosial ya ampunnn. asal keluar malam, balik lewat pagi. asal balik pagi, keluar lewat malam letew. berjimba je. 
pernah satu hari bawak balik awek, bonda buat dono je. konon nak minta restu bonda. hahah. sorry Kuning. bonda tak restu lagi. kau belum baligh kot. anyway, pandai kau ye? cantik jugak awek kau tu. innocent je aku tengok. dok diam je kat luar rumah. sopan. 

sgt comel kan..? love by family. 
bijak pun bijak. tak menyusahkan org. peepee poopoo dlm toilet. pandai. dah diajar camtu sejak kecik. sekarang da pandai memilih. kadang makan kat luar. tak men masakan bonda dah. try selera lain kat luar. tu pun kalau ada orang sudi bagi makan. kalau godaan goyangan ekor kau menjadi, dapatlah. kalau tak, balik jugak kau ke rumah menghadap nasi panas ikan rebus bonda. 

amboi2..nasib baik kau ringan. kalau tak, sudah kucampak ke tepi. 

December 16, 2011

apa nak buat?

seriau bila terfikir result eksperimen hilang.
bayangkan la korang datang lab/kerja/assignment awal pagi.
then buat kerja berdiri untuk 4-5 jam tak duduk.
fokus benda alah yang korang buat tak kisahla apa pun tapi memerlukan ketelitian yang amat sampai mata pun naik pinaq bak kata org penang.
dah tu pulak result keluar dalam bentuk printed list.
tak boleh save as soft copy.
then tengah kemas-kemas, sibuk arrange equipment/radas/kertas kerja, result tadi..pooofff! hilang!
tak dapat dijejaki. 

apa nak buat?

December 11, 2011

Toy Museum to be visited!

after a long straight work loads.
hence, i planned to indulge myself with a visit. 
(psttt, this supposed to be a wordless post!)
and short post too!

 entrance. Rm10 per person (Malaysian). Rm 20 for non Malaysian.
is it only me recognizing the Firaun statue all over the place? 

avatar!!! my fav movie!  

 my other fav movie! corpse bride!! :)

 what's so focus? 

 i don't see anything my fiance find to be focused on. ;p

ohh, he impressed with the detail-ness of all these tiny constructions and makings. 

very the yaiks!  

oh my, seriously, feels like vomiting.

ada gaya x? she is copying me actually ;p
that's it. another nice and easy weekend trip. just to release some tense before continuing my work in Pharmacy lab. hope this short visit would be the best remedy of all sengal-sengalan. :)
thought that there would be no or less enjoyment and entertainment after this. weekend would be a date with all library books been borrowed, and numerous datas to be keyed in. 

well, it depends! :)

December 3, 2011

Always, sometimes and never

just read one of my favs blog, here!
feels like posting the same as she does. about who you are.
it's about me. believe or not, by the time we write something about ourselves, we could reveal who we are actually, we could just knew that we are this type of person, who likes this and that, who hates this and that.
by only listing some, here it goes. 

I always:
love to stare on something beauty and perfect
seek my fiance's attention towards me in anyway
spend too much time on other things in front of my lappy instead of writing thesis
love to swim
buy new dress/ shirts
appreciate my friends happy in my presence
love to travel as far as i could
enjoy a good driving
open multiple tabs, especially blogs and forums
give a try to something new. e.g: foods, outdoors. 
love to sit back and relax under a tree by the beach
love balik kampung
wish to amend STPM exam slip and re-sit the exam 
love C-RVs 

I sometimes:
could cry without reasons
no feelings watching my room untidy
sick of eating
very eager to have an aquarium perfectly set in my room
can't wait to get married and have a pleasing life
pass my leftovers on my fiance's plate
regret for oversleep 
wash clothes with my own bare hands
disappoint people intentionally 

I never:
let my friends down 
want to have regrets over what i have done
like hypocrites
want to waste time 

what's yours?

November 28, 2011

best buddy but..

what would you think or what would u probably act when your best buddy seemed like running away/ avoiding u/ do nothing (wat bodo) whenever it relates to some sensitive issues e.g: money? 

recently i faced this condition where me, and other 3 besties agreed to pay kind of bond-agreement between one of the communication government agencies somewhere in Malaysia.
we were just moved to a new place for a couple of months (studying matter). everything was done with  positive agreements. tasks were assigned justly. every materials bought were spent evenly. 

sound pretty fair and that part was totally okay. 
until one day we signed the contract form and agreed to install this streamyx in the house. 
since we spent so much time working, we didn't fully utilize the streamyx. 
as a consequences, we've got to pay every single bills coming every month. there was no way to terminate the line and pay as far until the current month we were in. since we have accepted the terms and condition, so there's no escape. even if we could terminate, we still have to pay the penalty as much as the whole contract period counted.

 it took almost 2 years asking their part of money. yes, almost 2 years this 'hutang' burdened me and all the responsibilities were on my shoulders. some of us had no probs taking out money. but this one particular buddy, seemed couldn't be brought for negotiation. mumbled. and started to keep distance from me.

the agency people kept calling me. as for warning letters? uncountable. i have begged that particular buddy and reminded how this situation really bother me. but every text messages regarding that issue had a negative feedback. 

until one day, a man introduced himself a lawyer from a law agency in KL. he would bring this issue up and present a court letter to me if i couldn't clear all bills by tomorrow afternoon! arghhh! 
i got less than 24 hours! i immediately texted that particular buddy, again. as usual, a great disappointment. 

i just didn't have a clue how the way that particular buddy thinks. didn't that particular buddy feel guilty or anything? this matter relates money. and for me, that was a big amount. it was not of ringgits, but hundreds. and that amount was that particular buddy's part.

personally, i am aware of this owing issue. i don't like owing myself to a friend who needed money. i would as much as i could to repay back once i got enough to pay them. this occurs vice versa. this is serious issue. any owing issues would be brought until the end of the life.
 it will be counted there. sigh*.

i paid the bill using my own for that particular buddy. i texted that particular buddy soon after the payment, hoping that, that particular buddy concerns my tight condition. but received no reply.

alhamdulillah i am still here. not in cell or something.
(couldn't imagine how it's like if i didn't manage to pay the bill off). 

thinking it back, why this happened to me. did i do the same to any other friends previously? did i hurt somebody? i believe perhaps i did it unconsciously. and if it's true, i'm sorry for those who've been hurt.
but above all this, i believe that He has planned a good track for me and all i have to do is 'redha'. 

semua ini ada hikmahnya. i believe He wants to help me by first, giving this small test. 
i should sow my heart a good intention, make it as sedekah. yes aku redha.
maybe that particular buddy was/is facing something hard that particular buddy couldn't bear. who knows.
i don't know. 

and thus, i should not be overjudge. 
i believe, if that particular buddy realize this, that particular buddy will always be my best buddy ever. 

November 24, 2011

awesomeness! i'm addicted to that!

oh yeahsss.. 
recently, i spent my evening for a couple of hours at swimming pool, USM.
i was very eager to learn how to swim, which is one of my several goals. 
my roommates are the best companions. luckily we have an auxiliary activity.

after spending like 2 to 3 days continuous training, two weeks straight, i think that i'm getting used to it. kind of know how the concept of swimming i should take care of. its not as hard as i thought! walla!
knowing how to control the breathing and how to control the body floating is like awesome!

the most excitement is diving part. laying down the body touching the pool floor is like woahhh!!!
i'm sinking! and groveling! Lil Fiance was the one who taught me that.
yeah. a moment of joy i could crawl and explore the water-world. go deeper and pull up my body with a very little energy to the surface, nice and easy. wonderful. 

as for swimming, at first, i was like 'tak bolehla'. i always got problem with my hip. whenever the hip should be dipped underwater, it goes up. little tense to me. i can never stabilize the body if i couldn't control that part.  i have no confidence at all. ye la kan, watching other people swimming like athlete of course made me a bit down. felt like oh my, that woman is my great competitor! that man is so show off! thinking of it, who am i to compare with those expert pro fellas whom century-ly live with water! 

so i started to make a move by copying those fellas. sinking myself underwater, watch and learn how they move the arms and legs through the lens of goggles. how these body parts are functioning in order to get the movement and play the water flows. 

it came the time where my Lil Fiance joined and taught us. the best and simple swim i have ever learned. i called it Joe's style. it was hard for me to learn the 'katak' style as it requires me to control arms and legs and make them synchronously in time. i found it hard. however, the way Lil Fiance taught is way much easier. i don't have to push and eject so much energy upon moving. just exhale a bit and the body will fall and sink slowly, whenever the body floats up, that's the time to inhale. 

honestly, i hate jogs! but finally i found an evening exercise that gives me so much pleasure. i couldn't feel so much exhausted as jog does. i feel no sweat. as the sweats mix with water kan. lol. i enjoyed dipping myself into the pool.

i could say swimming burns more calories than other activity. for me lah. because u will never feel tired and fatigued which is, your body tries to access some muscles' hidden energy when u are in water. your body releases heat, but we can still be active as the coldness of water neutralized the uneasyness.  :)

apart from that, the significant of swimming is, it makes me active after each round. i feel energized. once i pulled myself out of pool, i bear my own weight, of course heavier than in the water. to train the cardiovascular system and blood circulation, that's the routine.

from this routine, i appreciate life, especially student's life.
i should never hold up any tasks and never compromise with procrastination. that's what i feel. 
believe or not, when u are active, u will unconsciously train yourself of discipline and committed to your job. assignments!
furthermore, we can avoid sleeping after a'sar. that's the important part. 

nak jadi gila ka? tidoq lepas a'saq? 

November 14, 2011 year engaged

alhamdulillah after all we've been through, the bond gets tighter and we've managed to know and accept each other. 
all praise to Him. for giving us chance in improving the relationship since that day, years ago. 
yeah like many other couple. arguments are fundamentals. u will feel nothing without cari pasal in one day. all for the sake of seeking his attention. i was like that. 
and i am still like that. :) 

i know sometimes my habit go beyond the limit and he can get really mad because i had made him confused n blurr. i made him like he doesn't know who i am and what i want. 
deep inside my heart, i felt guilty. but it was too late to say sorry. serve me right. i was given a free lecture. 
at least, i got him. i got his attention. ahaha.  

with all your wishes, i hope the relationship stay strong until the big day.

November 11, 2011

what an ethicless driver!

this four and a half hours journey started from Sg Nibong bus station, Penang.

i sat comfortably as i found my seat. after 2 hours journey, the bus stopped for a couple of minutes for break. i went down n bought some food.
while eating, a bus conductor shouted, alerted us whom heading to shah alam and klang, shift to the bus next to us.

oh god, i have predicted this and i knew this would happen to me. never mind, i stopped eating and packed my karipap for a while.

i stepped in the other bus and took an empty seat near a girl. continued eating. grab my earphone, plugged it in to my android and listened to fm radio. but couldn't enjoy the songs clearly as there was fluctuating frequency along the way.

i fell asleep effortlessly.

suddenly i visualized myself trapped in a glass box fit my body. cigarette smoke spreading inside n surrounded me from nowhere. i couldn't breath right. seeking some oxygen. i saw myself kicking the glass box.
my hand pushed, knocked and tried to smash the box hardly.
when i opened my eyes, there was actually real cigarette smoke flew by. very strong stink smell. this is real bother. i sneaked around figuring out where the heck it came from. oh my, there was the driver! the driver was smoking happily!

only god knows how mad i am at that moment. the worst part was, a clear plate sign was well hung right above the bus entrance mentioning "NO SMOKING". labelled with a photo of that stick with a red slash. like no parking label. 

is it okay to smoke? 
you were pleasingly present that attitude which also reflect the personality of other drivers. how come? you didn't alert the sign, did you? or, you didn't know what the sign try to convey? oh well, could be!
what really disappointing is, where is the ethic?

perhaps in your mind, the smoke couldn't get to us as that small window on your right side was widely opened. perhaps in your thought, the smoke flew away just like that. no man! i don't think so. fyi, the smoke  could still flew in even you blow your lungs out of the window. 
maybe you didn't realize it. or, maybe u just ignored it. 

you are such a selfish!

October 31, 2011

truth about dream

believe or not, seeing u are terribly sick like dying in the dream last night, make u appreciate your life soon after u wake up. (Naz, 2011) 

October 27, 2011

Sis's Grad Event

few days back, i went to KL to support my lil Sis to be.
happy as she has finally completed her 3 years struggling in UNITAR and celebrated her very big day at PICC Putrajaya. 
with all of family's best wishes, good luck will always be with u dear!

nice hallllllll! 

this is the youngest in d sibs, Hanis. she just had gone through an operation successfully. Alhamdulillah. 
actually, she had a problem where a tonsil grew in silent since she was born. the tonsil gave her a little resistance and somewhat blocking the air from entering the lungs. 
now, i am truly happy to see her. she got no implications, no side effect after the operation. 
in fact, im impressed to hear her shouting n yelling around the hall playing with Nabila n Auni, the elder siss'. 
a bit comel with her voice. i couldn't help myself eavesdropping. all attentions went to her. 
yeah. she is absolutely a young brave kid :) 

btw, Khairun Nadiatul Khazrina, u looked simply gorgeous. 
the robe fits u, giving a smart posture, besides the domo-flowers u hold. 
i remembered when u said "sorry for burdening you to come here all the way". 
naa, i'm not burdened by anybody la Sis believe me! :) 
i'm truly happy. i'm supposed to be the one who afraid of burdening any of the family members. (hope not). 
or, to be worst, i'm afraid i could regret for not coming over. 
naa don't worry. the tortures happened once in a life time! hahaha no! just kidding! 
seriously i don't mind coming all the way to see u on stage. to see mama ayah. to see Auni, Nabila, Hanis. 
in fact, i got more as a return. i got it already. this is the only chance seeing you guys. 
this is the only cure of my "miss-u-all" disorder :)

Congrats dear! 
let's pray n hope for the bright future. what's next? furthering for another step of success? yeah we know u can do it Sis! :)
here's the deal: further study in UMS? together? 
hehehe u decide!

October 26, 2011

Pearl Brooch Oct 2011

Set Pearl Brooch bind with shining crystals

BH 01

BH 02

BM 03


BO 05

BP 06

BP 07

BP 08

Pearl Bracelet Oct 2011

another nice bracelets are about to grab! 


GM 01
Diameter: 6.5cm

GM 02
Diameter: 5.5cm

GM 03
Diameter: 5.5cm

GM 04
Diameter: 5.3cm

GM 05
Diameter: 5.0cm

GM 06
Diameter: 5.5cm

GM 07
Diameter: 5.5cm

GM 08
Diameter: 5.5cm

Pearl Necklace Oct 2011

latest for this month! 
= D
every set come with a necklace + a bracelet
nice fit case is included 


Rantai Mutiara Sabah

RM 230/set

RM 230/set


RM 230/set

RM 230/set

RM 230/set



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