October 10, 2011

new additional antioxidant tests

yeay alhamdulillah after all tests i have done in pharmacology lab, those freaking antioxidant tests are all cleared. i mean, finished. i'm waiting for the analysis result. how the graph plot become. 

if its normal n acceptable, then i can go on with writing. if not, the experiment is going to be repeated back again. 
to be curious, Prof had just assigned me another test, a nitric oxide test. seriously i have no idea! anyone? 

some of my labmates told me that this test is quite difficult. i'm not sure which part but a student claimed no result after several attempts. well, i need to order the chemical though. 

the best, interesting part right now is, if the test went successfully, i would be dealing with some rats. a test which uses this little sacrifice-r to see how my herb extracts work on their kidney, liver, and brain. this test involve hydrogen peroxide if i'm not mistaken.

can't wait to do this! it must be sooo awesome! to gain something new out-of-my-field-of-study. 
i really hope my 5 months in Pharmacy school worth the effort with some papers published, voila-ly! 

i'm doing a test called Total Phenolic Content (TPC), Ferric reducing capacity test n Trolox Equivalence Antioxidant Capacity test. all of these tests require a spectrophotometer read at various wavelengths. 

while this is DPPH radical scavenging activity test. the yellow color indicates a high antioxidant activities. purple color means no activity at all. the output data obtained from microplate reader. 

 i'm hoping the coming test going to be easy.
till then y'all. 

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